Ampersand Allied Health and Osteopathy provides osteopathy treatment to people living in Melton, Bacchus Marsh, Cobble Bank, Rockbank, Melton South and provides Osteopathy, Dry Needling, TAC, NDIS, WorkSafe, Workcover treatment.

Ampersand Allied Health and Osteo also provides massage, osteopathy, dry needling as well as exercise rehabilitation, aquatic therapy, yoga and movement therapy.

We help people who have hurt their lower back, suffer from headaches, are pregnant, have autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, neurodivergencies, people who have migraines, elbow pain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, workplace injuries and car accidents.

We are neuroaffirming, gender inclusive with male and female practitioners with over 25 years of experience and thousands of happy cleints.

Osteopaths can help with a multitude of musculoskeletal issues, ranging from back and spinal injuries, wrist injuries, migraines. Our highly qualified and skilled team of Osteopaths have extensive exerperience in treating cleints with these conditions and also have neurodivergencies themselves. Our practitioners neurodivergencies range from Autism Spectrum Disorder to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Complex PTSD. Using the most up to date and evidence based practices, our practitioners are highly skilled and trained to examine, diagnose and create treatment plans based upon each individual presentation.

Osteopathy is a hands on manual therapy that incorporates a holistic system of healthcare - we communicate and collaborate with other allied health practitioners to create the best outcomes for our clients. We are a client centred model of healthcare that follows AHPRA and NDIS guidelines, as well as following TAC, WorkCover, WorkSafe and Private Health insurance guidelines.

We all know how important it is for our bodies and brains to learn how to move with ease, and Stretch, Balance and Breathe aims to help developing minds to do this. It is a fun way, backed by science for children and adults alike to learn how to:

  • have increased bodily awareness through movement,

  • develop proprioceptive input to allow for the completion of more complex tasks,

  • integrate sensory information from the external surroundings to create unconscious control of movements and impulses to create minor postural adjustments to maintain balance,

  • engage their core to provide the stability needed for the rest of the body to be able to perform complex movements, both great and small and

  • develop awareness of breath, slowing down the “fight flight” response and stimulating the “rest and digest”, allowing for emotional regulation and by practicing this on a regular basis, can help with mindfulness and decreased reactivity in potentially overwhelming situations.

Having small group classes of similar ages and abilities in a sensory inclusive environment allows for increasing the capacity of a child or adult to engage in social situations and participate in activites they may not otherwise feel comfortable to.

To read more about Stretch, Balance and Breathe, see our post here: